IHI - Innovative Health Initiative Call 1 2022

IHI - Innovative Health Initiative Call 1 2022
European Comission
Añadir al calendario 2022-06-28 02:00:00 2022-09-20 02:00:00 IHI - Innovative Health Initiative Call 1 2022 IHI launches it first call in which will be founded research and innovation actions (RIA, Research and Innovation Actions) under the following topics:: HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-01-01: An innovative decision-support system for improved care pathways for patients with neurodegenerative diseases and comorbidities. HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-01-02: Next generation imaging and image-guided diagnosis and therapy for cancer. HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-01-03: Personalised oncology: innovative people centred, multi-modal therapies against cancer. HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-01-04: Access and integration of heterogeneous health data for improved healthcare in disease areas of high unmet public health need.  At least 45% of the action needs to be covered by project participants (Non profit organizations and Public entities can be 100% founded). More info in this document or through this link.  Location Navarrabiomed info@navarrabiomed Europe/Madrid public

IHI launches it first call in which will be founded research and innovation actions (RIA, Research and Innovation Actions) under the following topics::

  • HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-01-01: An innovative decision-support system for improved care pathways for patients with neurodegenerative diseases and comorbidities.
  • HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-01-02: Next generation imaging and image-guided diagnosis and therapy for cancer.
  • HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-01-03: Personalised oncology: innovative people centred, multi-modal therapies against cancer.
  • HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-01-04: Access and integration of heterogeneous health data for improved healthcare in disease areas of high unmet public health need. 

At least 45% of the action needs to be covered by project participants (Non profit organizations and Public entities can be 100% founded).

More info in this document or through this link. 

Any legal entity belonging to a member or associated country of the EU can participate.

It will be necessary to form transnational consortia made up of at least one entity legally established in a Member State of the EU and two entites from member or associated countries. 

Proporsals are submitted electronically through the Participant Portal. To use the proposal preparation and submission service, it is necessary to have an ECAS account. Proposals have 2 parts:

  • Part A:online form
  • Part B: scientific memory
Depending on the topic