Ekoizpen zientifikoa

Navarrabiomed-en ikerketa kopuruetan

Ekoizpen zientifikoa

2016-2020 denboraldian zehar, JRCn indexatutako aldizkarietako 580 artikulu argitaratu ziren. 
Navarrabiomedeko ikerlariak lehen edo azken sinatzaile moduan 333 artikulutan agertzen dira guztira; hau da, argitalpen guztien %57an. 
Denboraldiko joerak gorantz egin du argitalpen-kopuruari dagokionez, 2016an 78 izatetik, 2020an 151 izatera igaro baitira. Egonkor dago zuzendutako argitalpenen ehunekoan argitalpen guztiekin alderatuta, %58 inguruan mantentzen dena. 

Navarrabiomed Argitalpen Zientifikoak

Ikerketa jarduera

Argitalpen destakatuak

2023 I Nature Metabolism
Metabolic rewiring induced by ranolazine improves melanoma responses to targeted therapy and immunotherapy
2023 I Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
Profiling TREM2 expression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
2022 I Journal of Investigative Dermatology
The Regulators of Peroxisomal Acyl-Carnitine Shuttle CROT and CRAT Promote Metastasis in Melanoma
2021 I Journal of Personalized Medicine I Cancer-Induced Immunosuppressive Mechanism
A Proteomic Atlas of Lineage and Cancer-Polarized Expression Modules in Myeloid Cells Modeling Immunosuppressive Tumor-Infiltrating Subsets
2021 I The EMBO Journal
Structural mechanism for modulation of functional amyloid and biofilm formation by Staphylococcal Bap protein switch
2020 I Circulation Research
A New Role for the Aldosterone/Mineralocorticoid Receptor Pathway in the Development of Mitral Valve Prolapse
2020 | Nature Communications
Abundance and diversity of resistomes differ between healthy human oral cavities and gut.
2020 | Nature Communications
Abundance and diversity of resistomes differ between healthy human oral cavities and gut.
2019 I Nature Reviews Cancer volume
Phenotype plasticity as enabler of melanoma progression and therapy resistance.
2019 I EMBO
Functional systemic CD4 immunity is required for clinical responses to PD-L1/PD-1 blockade therapy.