EU - Webinar: IP Assessment

Innovation Events
EU - Webinar: IP Assessment
Innovation Events
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T + 34 848 422 448
Añadir al calendario 2022-09-22 10:30:00 2022-07-21 12:39:00 EU - Webinar: IP Assessment As IP assets are constantly growing, they should be used effectively. Accumulated IP assets can be the "armour" that protects the company from competitors in the market, but also a powerful weapon to initiate attacks.     The process typically involves a systematic and scientific examination and evaluation of IP resources. It also allows companies to determine whether their IP is adequately protected and whether it currently provides a competitive advantage or can be used to gain a competitive advantage in the future.   After the training, participants should be able to answer the following main questions: - Whats the difference between invention and innovation? - Why is evaluation (assessment) needed? - What categories should be addressed for the evaluation (assessment) of a new technology? - Challenges? - Which stakeholder should be involved when evaluating (assessing) a new technology?   Register here   More information Online webinar Europe/Madrid public
Online webinar

As IP assets are constantly growing, they should be used effectively. Accumulated IP assets can be the "armour" that protects the company from competitors in the market, but also a powerful weapon to initiate attacks.  


The process typically involves a systematic and scientific examination and evaluation of IP resources. It also allows companies to determine whether their IP is adequately protected and whether it currently provides a competitive advantage or can be used to gain a competitive advantage in the future.


After the training, participants should be able to answer the following main questions:

- Whats the difference between invention and innovation?
- Why is evaluation (assessment) needed?
- What categories should be addressed for the evaluation (assessment) of a new technology?
- Challenges?
- Which stakeholder should be involved when evaluating (assessing) a new technology?


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