This recently established platform focuses on training in surgical techniques with the use of ex vivo and in vivo models (in rats, mice and pigs) for the medical staff at the Navarra Hospital Complex.
In 2018, it was certified as an Animal Testing Centre for scientific purposes by virtue of RD53/2013 (registration number: ES312010000151).
The platform is also certified as a SANDACH TRANS Cat-1 and 2 user and carrier in the Operator Registry of Animal By-Products not meant for human consumption (registration number: S31201021), which means it is entitled to get animal organs and use them in a variety of procedures.
The platform’s Animal Welfare Committee is the body authorised to evaluate projects.
> Facilities and equipment

Navarrabiomed - Centro de investigación biomédica
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
Calle Irunlarrea, 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra, España.