Navarra is leading a European project to promote regular physical exercise among elderly patients after periods in hospital and improve their quality of life

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Navarra is leading a European project to promote regular physical exercise among elderly patients after periods in hospital and improve their quality of life

•    The PreDisc initiative will be implemented within the framework of the Interreg Sudoe cooperation programme and will be coordinated by Navarrabiomed

The biomedical research centre Navarrabiomed will coordinate the implementation of the PreDisc project, a health care model for the elderly aimed at improving their quality of life, by prescribing a personalised physical activity programme to be followed by patients during their stay in hospital, incorporating the continuation of the same in Primary Care by developing an innovative eHealth tool. 

In addition to preventing hospital disability of patients, PreDisc will promote access to new healthcare technologies for elderly people living in rural areas and will help shorten their stays in hospital and adapt healthcare resources. This initiative, which is part of the Interreg Sudoe cooperation programme (2021-2027), will be coordinated by Navarrabiomed and will involve professionals from 16 institutions in Navarra, the Basque Country, France, Andorra and Portugal. 

Nicolás Martínez Velilla, principal investigator of the Geriatrics Unit of Navarrabiomed, head of the Geriatrics Service of the University Hospital of Navarra (HUN) and head of the project explains that the project "aims to modify the traditional care model for elderly people in hospital, prioritising functional recovery, through an individualised training programme. The current model focuses on the disease and not so much on the patient, so this new model will improve the patient's functional capacities by following an individualised multi-component training programme that not only shortens the hospital stay but also avoids the disability that often arises during stays in hospital.

Towards a new care model for the elderly

PreDisc includes a multi-centre clinical trial that will show the benefits of a training programme during a stay in hospital. In addition, the continuation of the programme and the transition to Primary Care will be facilitated by optimising communication between professionals and implementing innovative eHealth technology. 

The active ageing model will also be promoted in rural environments and equal access to healthcare will be encouraged by guiding coordination between professionals, facilitated by the use of technological tools, avoiding unnecessary journeys and admissions. 
PreDisc has a total budget of 1,288,550 euros, 75% co-financed by the Interreg Sudoe Programme, which supports regional development in Southwest Europe by helping to promote transnational projects through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This programme promotes cooperation to solve problems common to the Southwest Europe region.

The project consortium is led by the biomedical research centre Navarrabiomed - Fundación Miguel Servet and includes the Fundación  Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA), Atención Primaria del Servicio Navarro de Salud - Osasunbidea (SNS-O), Universidad de Deusto (Bizkaia, Basque Country), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse Pôle Gériatrie (Occitania), Hospital Distrital da Figueira da Foz, EPE (Coimbra, Centre Region) and Servei Andorrà d'Atenció Sanitària (Andorra), supported by 9 public and private organisations from Southwest Europe participating as associate entities.

Profesionales de Navarrabiomed, HUN, Atención Primaria e IdiSNA who will take part in the implementation of PreDisc in Navarra
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