Santamaría Martínez

Enrique Santamaría Martínez
Santamaría Martínez ,
‘We work to understand the proteins in the human brain’
Targeted theses
Andrea González-Morales
Molecular study of glioblastoma multiforme cells treated with the oncolytic adenovirus Delta-24-RGD.
Mercedes Lachén-Montes
Olfaction and neurodegeneration: Olfactory Proteotyping across Proteinopathies.
Virginia Sánchez Quiles
Estudio de la función de Prohibitina-1 en la regulación de la proliferación y muerte celular. Implicaciones en procesos de daño hepático.
Maria Victoria Zelaya
Anatomo-proteomic study of the olfactory bulb in different stages of sporadic Alzheimer´s disease. Identification of common and distinct olfactory targets across Alzheimer´s disease copathologies.
Scientific-Technical Services