Epitope engineering to develop "point of care" devices - EPINPOC

International Projects
Project management unit
Epitope engineering to develop "point of care" devices - EPINPOC

Project funded within the framework of the New Aquitaine - Euskadi - Navarra Euroregion, a common space for cooperation to promote projects that contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of the Euroregion on a cross-border, interregional and European scale.

This project focuses on the generation of short peptide libraries for the discovery and subsequent characterization of artificial epitopes that can bind to any type of detection antibody. The project will also work on developing the concept of a microfluidic method based on fluorescence polarization and classifying peptides with affinity for certain antibodies.

EPINPOC is a project led by the CIC biomaGUNE (Euskadi), with the participation of the CNRS (Nouvelle-Aquitaine). Navarrabiomed's participation is directed by Jacinto López Sagaseta, member of the Protein Crystallography and Structural Immunology Unit.

Funding organisation
Data sheet
Eurorregión NAEN
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