Bustince Sola

Bustince Sola ,
"Datuen iraultza jada hemen da, eta egoera ezin hobea dugu hori aprobetxatzeko"
Zuzendutako tesiak
Laura De Miguel Turullols
Computing with uncertainty truth degrees: a convolution-based degrees.
Helida Salles Santos
A new class of fuzzy subsethood measures.
Daniel Paternain Dallo
Optimization of image reduction and restoration algorithms based penalty functions and aggregation techniques.
Aránzazu Jurio Munárriz
Numerical information measures for image processing. Magnification and thresholding.
Carlos López Molina
The breakdown structure of edge detection: analysis of individual components and revisit of the overall structure.
José Antonio Sanz
Sistemas de clasificación basados en reglas difusas lingüísticas utilizando conjuntos difusos intervalo-valorados y ajuste de la ignorancia.
Raúl Orduna Urrutia
Funciones de solapamiento y su aplicacion a segmentacion de imagenes.
Miguel Pagola Barrio
Representation of uncertainty by interval-valued fuzzy sets. Application.
Mª de las Nieves Barrenechea Tartas
Image processing with interval-valued fuzzy sets. Edge detection. Contrast.
Fernando Soria de Diego
Axiomatization of v. Young's fuzzy subsethood measures. Construction from aggregation and implication operators. Other indexes.