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T +34 848 42 22 01
Eventos de Innovación
5 resultados
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2024-09-25 09:00:00
2024-01-23 09:13:02
Farmaforum 2024
Es el décimo encuentro anual de la Industria Farmacéutica, Biofarmacéutica y Tecnologías de Laboratorio, se llevará a cabo en Madrid en las instalaciones de IFEMA, específicamente en el pabellón 9 de la Feria de Madrid.
A lo largo de una década, Farmaforum ha afianzado su posición como el evento más relevante de la Industria Farmacéutica en España. Además, ha ampliado su alcance al establecer sinergias con la Industria Biotecnológica y la Industria Cosmética a través de áreas especializadas como Health&Research Forum, Cosméticaforum, Biotechforum, Nutraforum y Cannabisforum.
Farmaforum se compone de un área de exposición y un amplio programa de conferencias y talleres, ofreciendo espacios dedicados para el networking.
En 2024, tras el éxito cosechado en la anterior edición se celebrará también la sexta edición Labforum, dedicado a Materiales, Instrumentación, Equipos y Métodos para el Análisis y Diagnóstico en el Laboratorio con un espacio dedicado. Una parte complementaria y paralela a Farmaforum, enfocada a la nueva generación de cualquier laboratorio de investigación o analítica. Con la incorporación del congreso Health&Research Forum, introduciremos el mundo de la investigación en nuestro foro.
La Industria farmacéutica, la Biotecnología y la Industria Cosmética entre otros sectores, dependen de avances en la investigación para lanzar sus productos. Acelerar estos procesos garantizando calidad y seguridad influye directamente en los costes de un nuevo desarrollo y es por ello de máxima importancia para las empresas.
Más información e inscripciones aquí.
IFEMA - Madrid
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2024-10-08 10:30:00
2024-07-02 12:36:33
EU - Webinar & Horizon Results Platform: Technology Transfer
This lecture series, organised in co-operation with the Horizon Results Platform, addresses IP-related aspects in four areas: It introduces the main aspects of IP management: notably IP as a Business asset, IP and Artificial Intelligence, IP and Software Start Ups and IP and Thinking international - International business Opportunities. Each lecture explores a different aspect of Intellectual Property valorization. The lectures may be of interest to a variety of audiences, from researchers to technology transfer officers.
After the training, participants should be able to answer the following main questions:
What is technology transfer and why is it important?
What actors or institutions are providing assistance in technology transfer?
How are technology screenings performed and why are they important?
In what ways can I manage risk before and during the technology transfer process?
How does technology licensing work and what types of licences should I consider?
Registration here.
Online webinar.
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2024-10-22 09:30:00
2024-07-02 12:41:02
EU - Webinar EPO Coop: Patent protection for EU funding beneficiaries - Artificial Intelligence in Medtech
This lecture series, organised in co-operation with the European Patent Office Academy, addresses the IP-related aspects of EU-funded projects in five areas: It introduces the main aspects of IP management: notably IP ownership, protection and exploitation. Each lecture explores the interface between patents and the respective technical field. The lectures may be of interest to a variety of audiences, from researchers to technology transfer officers.
By registering for one session participants will automatically register for all sessions within the series.
The live online sessions include Q&A and are complemented with optional self-paced courses.
Dates and technical fields covered:
10/04/2024 Quantum Technology
22/05/2024 Digital communication
18/06/2024 Green technologies
22/10/2024 Artificial intelligence in MedTech Digital communication
10/12/2024 Biotechnology
Structure of each session:
• Main aspects of IP management in EU-funded projects
• Getting to know patents
• Patentability of new technological developments in artificial intelligence
• Learning resources
• Q&A
Duration: 75 minutes (presentation) + 15 minutes (Q&As)
Fee: The webinar will be offered free of charge.
Assistance: For any technical assistance or questions, please contact the training team at: training@iprhelpdesk.eu
Registration here.
Online webinar
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2024-11-28 09:00:00
2024-05-29 12:23:15
VIII Congreso Nacional de Científicos Emprendedores
Es el mayor punto de encuentro de científicos y científicas emprendedoras y su ecosistema de innovación.
Iniciativa para poner en valor a las start-ups y spin-offs y animar a los investigadores e investigadoras a dar el salto al emprendimiento.
Visibilización la figura del científico y la científica emprendedora
Impulso a la generación de valor a través de la creación de empresas de base científica y tecnológica
Creación de sinergias entre los diferentes actores del sector: investigadores, empresas, instituciones públicas, capital riesgo, oficinas de transferencia y conectores de la innovación.
Más información e inscripciones aquí.
Fundación Botín, Madrid
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2024-12-10 09:30:00
2024-07-02 12:46:10
EU - Webinar EPO Coop: Patent protection for EU funding beneficiaries - Artificial Intelligence in Medtech
This lecture series, organised in co-operation with the European Patent Office Academy, addresses the IP-related aspects of EU-funded projects in five areas: It introduces the main aspects of IP management: notably IP ownership, protection and exploitation. Each lecture explores the interface between patents and the respective technical field. The lectures may be of interest to a variety of audiences, from researchers to technology transfer officers.
By registering for one session participants will automatically register for all sessions within the series.
The live online sessions include Q&A and are complemented with optional self-paced courses.
Dates and technical fields covered:
10/04/2024 Quantum Technology
22/05/2024 Digital communication
18/06/2024 Green technologies
22/10/2024 Artificial intelligence in MedTech Digital communication
10/12/2024 Biotechnology
Structure of each session:
• Main aspects of IP management in EU-funded projects
• Getting to know patents
• Patentability of new technological developments in artificial intelligence
• Learning resources
• Q&A
Duration: 75 minutes (presentation) + 15 minutes (Q&As)
Fee: The webinar will be offered free of charge.
Assistance: For any technical assistance or questions, please contact the training team at: training@iprhelpdesk.eu
Registration here.
Online webinar